Some people love surprises even there are a few who hate it.
But still, our life is full of surprises.
Allah always give us a lot of surprises.
Love it?
Hate it?
Find the secret behind the fate, surely you'll love it.
As all the surprises are meant to remind us to Him.
The surprises are sent for us to keep our imaan refreshed.
The surprises were never and ever given to keep us distance from Him.
He love you and me, more than others love you.
And even more than you love Him.
Keep going.
He is always with you s as long as we keep returned to Him.
Deciding to accept the surprises or not are always be a part of our life.
Sometimes, yes or no is not just an answer,
but be the determinant of our fate here and hereafter.
Allah, is the only ONE who know if 'yes' is good for us.
Or may be the 'no' is better.
Our life is in His hand.
So, keep praying so that he will decide what is the best for us.
P/s: Amalkan doa ajaran Rasulullah SAW;
"Ya Haiyyu, Ya Qayyum, dengan rahmat-Mu daku memohon pertolongan. Baikilah segala urusanku, dan janganlah Engkau serahkan daku ini kepadaku walaupun sekelip mata."
-Riwayat al-Nasai, dinilai sahih oleh al-Albani-
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